All My Adventures Are Better Alongside You

It’s your hand I want to hold as I jump from the rocks, into the waves below, as we set sail across the sea, and kayak down the rapids. I want to watch the sunrise over the mountains with my head on your shoulder and laugh with you when I fall in the snow. I want to lie in the bush watching the stars by night and the clouds by day with you by my side. I want minutes to become hours and days to become weeks because time doesn’t matter when we are together.

I want you to be there when I see the Pyramids of Giza, reach the summit of Kilimanjaro and dive by the great barrier reef. I want us to share a ride in a hot air balloon in Bagan and a pizza in Rome. I want to drink all night on a Thai beach and dance in the waves until the sun comes up with you by my side.

I want to travel the world with you.

We’ll laugh when we miss the fight because we lost track of the days and forgot to leave. We’ll share water fights in the ocean and snow ball fights in winter. You’ll hold my hand when the last few hundred metres of the ascent feel like miles and you’ll dance with me in the rain. We’ll walk barefoot in the forest and drink beers in the sand. People will say we are crazy but it’s OK because we are one and the same, happy together.

I want us to share it, because with you the adventure is so much more.
With you we laugh and we cry and we live and embrace every moment. With you dreams become reality overnight and there is always more life to experience. Together we are adventurers. The sea is always clearest, the sky bluest, and the mountains tallest when we are together.

I want to share stories with our grandchildren of the mountains we have climbed, the sights we have seen and the oceans we have swum. I want them to laugh when we tell them about our mishaps and mistakes. I want them to yearn with envy as we show them photos of our tanned bodies and flip-flopped feet exploring the world, free and uninhibited.

It is you that I want to share these memories with and it is you and me, together that will bring the experiences to life. We won’t have time to worry about pensions, investments and mortgages because we are too busy living right now, and saving that for later. We’ll bartend and work in hostels, I’ll write stories and you’ll take photos, recording our journey and sharing it with envious friends too afraid to take the same leap.

Our journey will never end, we will be adventurers together as long as we wish that to be and we will be happy in our mad and exciting, unlimited world